The Intercultural Trainer Academy is currently recognized as Bildungsurlaub* in the following German federal states:
- Baden-Württemberg[1]
- Berlin (for participants who need the seminar content in their main occupation)
- Brandenburg (for participants who need the seminar content in their main occupation)
- Hamburg (only for 10-days program and only for participants who can use the seminar content in their main occupation)
- Hessen
- Niedersachsen (only for participants with verifiable reference to their main occupation)
- Rheinland-Pfalz***
- Saarland[3]
- Sachsen-Anhalt
- Schleswig-Holstein
- Thüringen
Note: There is no Law on Educational Leave in the federal states Bayern and Sachsen. Sadly Mecklenburg-Vorpommern due to a change of law no longer accepts our training hours so the recognition was revoked. (according to §11 Nr. 6 BfG M-V there is no possibility for recognition because the minimum of 8 teaching hours per day is not reached due to a shorter program on fridays)
Do not hesitate to get in touch if you want to know more about the benefits of Bildungsurlaub!
* In Germany, the institution of Bildungsurlaub (educational leave) allows employees from any sector to apply for an educational leave used for professional advanced training. Please visit this page – in German – for more information (who can apply for it, how to apply etc.).
*** Arbeitgebern mit weniger als 50 Beschäftigten kann auf Antrag nach § 8 BFG ein pauschalierter Anteil des für den Zeitraum der Bildungsfreistellung fortzuzahlenden Arbeitsentgelts erstattet werden. Nähere Informationen finden Sie unter
[1] Recognized educational institution according to the “Bildungszeitgesetz Baden Württemberg”
[2] Establishment of employee training in accordance with §10 AWbG
[3] Educational trainings that have been recognized by other federal stated are also eligible for exemption in Saarland according to §6 SBFG.
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