Unfortunately, quality education doesn’t come without a price…

InterCultur is a small, not-for-profit organization with the aim to promote intercultural understanding at the core of its mission. We want to offer individual training with close feedback from experienced trainers instead of one-for-all seminars. To be able to cover our costs, enumerate the trainers fairly and keep on spreading our mission we need to charge a fee.

For the face-to-face editions in Bremen and Hamburg we charge a tuition fee of 1.600,-€.
Unfortunately we had to increase the participation fee to 1.600,-€ per person because of raising general cost due to inflation, especially due to the booking of physical spaces and materials, which are not incurred in the online version. 

This covers the full 10-day course, including all materials, trainers that are available for individual questions around the clock and the final Intercultural Trainer certificate.


 For the face-to-face academies, travel, insurance, visa and accommodation costs are not included. Please ensure that the full tuition fee is transferred to our account by the date stated on the invoice you receive after the registration. Please be aware that banks both in the country of origin and destination of the transfer usually charge international transfer commission which need to be covered by participants.

Unfortunately, we are not able to fund the tuition fee by any kind of scholarship. There is however, the possibility to get funding through grants or apply for “Bildungsurlaub” in Germany! Please find all relevant information below.

Possibilities for Grants

Bildungsprämie (Training Credit)

The German Federal Ministry of Education and Research funds training measures for German residents with up to 500 Euro. As InterCultur is a member of “Weiterbildung Hamburg e.V.” our training measures are qualified for this funding. Please find all information about “Bildungsprämie” on: https://www.bildungspraemie.info.

Erasmus+ Mobility Agreement

In the past, participants who worked for European universities,  have been funded by the Erasmus+ Staff Mobility For Training (Erasmus+ Mobility Agreement).  If you are interested in this funding option, please reach out to your university’s international office. Please note that the agreement form should be sent to us (e-mail address: info@intercultur.de), at least six weeks before the program starts. We will sign it and return it to you.


The Intercultural Trainer Academy is currently recognized as Bildungsurlaub* in the following German federal states:

  • Baden-Württemberg[1]
  • Berlin (for participants who need the seminar content in their main occupation)
  • Brandenburg (for participants who need the seminar content in their main occupation)
  • Bremen
  • Hamburg (only for 10-days program and only for participants who can use the seminar content in their main occupation)
  • Hessen
  • Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (only for participants with verifiable reference to their main occupation)
  • Niedersachsen (only for participants with verifiable reference to their main occupation)
  • Nordrhein-Westfalen[2]
  • Rheinland-Pfalz***
  • Saarland[3]
  • Sachsen-Anhalt
  • Schleswig-Holstein
  • Thüringen

Note: There is no Law on Educational Leave in the federal states Bayern and Sachsen.

Do not hesitate to get in touch or send us an email (info@intercultur.de) if you want to know more about the benefits of Bildungsurlaub!

* In Germany, the institution of Bildungsurlaub (educational leave) allows employees from any sector to apply for an educational leave used for professional advanced training. Please visit this page – in German – for more information (who can apply for it, how to apply etc.).

*** Arbeitgebern mit weniger als 50 Beschäftigten kann auf Antrag nach § 8 BFG ein pauschalierter Anteil des für den Zeitraum der Bildungsfreistellung fortzuzahlenden Arbeitsentgelts erstattet werden. Nähere Informationen finden Sie unter www.bildungsfreistellung.flp.de

[1] Recognized educational institution according to the “Bildungszeitgesetz Baden Württemberg”

[2] Establishment of employee training in accordance with §10 AWbG

[3] Educational trainings that have been recognized by other federal stated are also eligible for exemption in Saarland according to §6 SBFG.

All sorted out? – Register now!

or sign up for the ITA Newsletter to stay informed about upcoming academies.

Any questions left? Feel free to leave us a message or email: info@intercultur.de !